In 2020 an MST thru hiker posted a picture on social media hiking Clay Street in downtown Mebane, North Carolina. The picture was shared on Mebane’s community pages and the positive response was overwhelming. Most Mebanites did not realize that the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST) traveled through their community.
A local and avid hiker noticed the spike in Mebane’s interest in the MST and reached out to the MST staff in Raleigh to ask ‘what can we do to help and support the hikers and bring awareness of the MST to our community?’ One of their suggestions was to meet with the Elkin Valley Trail Association (EVTA) in Elkin, North Carolina.
In December 2021, five members of the Mebane Woman’s Club traveled to meet and hike with the founding fathers of the EVTA. Bob and Bill shared their insight and wisdom for creating a trail community and advised the team to ‘include ALL of the trails in your community, not just the MST.’ The team debriefed in a local Elkin brewery and dreamed of how promoting, supporting and maintaining the Mebane trails would increase awareness and ultimately improve the mental and physical well-being of trail users. And thus, the Mebane Trail Rangers was born.
The Mebane Trail Rangers is one of the many programs of the Mebane Woman’s Club. The Mebane Woman’s Club is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
The Mebane Trail Rangers is open to people of all ages and there is no charge to join. We meet for hikes, workshops and fun! Check out our events on our calendar and join us.
Contact us if you have questions: [email protected]